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Pieces from "The wisdom of Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj", by Robert Powell:

Spiritual maturity is being ready to let go everything. Giving up is a first step, but real giving-up is the insight that there's nothing to be given up, since nothing is your property. When you know thoughts and their wonderful powers, and liberate them from what has poisoned them - the idea of an own, separate person -, you just let them alone, such that they can perform their appropriate work. Letting the thoughts do their own work at their own place is freedom. When you don't require anything from the world and nothing from God, when you don't desire anything, when you don't strive for anything, don't expect anything, the divine will enter you, unasked and unexpected.

The wish for truth is the best of all wishes, but it's still a wish. All wishes must be given up, that the truth can enter your life. When you encounter sorrow and suffering, remain with it and don't try to escape from it. Don't throw yourself into blind activity. Neither learning nor acting can really help. Be with the presence of sorrow and uncover their roots - help with insight is real help. Understanding confusion means becoming free of it. The world and the thinking are states of being. The divine is not a state, it penetrates all states, but is no state of anything else. Nothing extraordinary can happen to a consciousness knowing exactly what it wants. Delayed reaction is wrong reaction. Thinking, feeling and action must be a unity and happen together with the situation requiring them. What is the worth of a happiness for which you must strive and work? Real happiness is spontaneous and effortless. In my view, everything happens by itself, quite spontaneously. But humans think they would work for a win, towards a purpose. There's nothing from which the world could profit more than from giving up profit. A man who's no longer thinking in terms of winning and loosing is truly non-violent man, since he's above all conflicts.

It's the nature of thinking to differentiate things and specialize itself. There's no harm to that, but it isn't true when one thinks of oneself as separate from things. Things and humans are different, but not separate. Nature is one, reality is one. There are opposites, but no contradictions. You will receive everything you need when you stop asking for what you do not need. There's no state in which one is seeing reality. WHO is seeing WHAT? You can only BE real. (And that you are always.) The problem exists only in thinking. Let all false ideas go, that's all. There's no need for true ideas. (Since there are none.)

Suffering is exclusively the result of attachment or resistance, it is a sign of lacking readiness to go on, to flow with life.